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An Introduction to Tailgunner


A tutorial script written for the first person wave-shooter Tailgunner by Indie Studio Grizzly Machine. Designed to give personality to the player's companions—Steve, Rosco, and Louie—while simultaneously and seamlessly teaching the game's mechanics through play.

The tutorial starts. The sky is clear and there are no enemies. You are alone; no wingmen yet. You cannot grab or activate anything in the scene.



Look alive back there, Ace. We’ve got a long day ahead of us. 


Our job is to escort this squadron across the gulf and take out as many enemy fighters as we can. Since this is your first real mission, I'll go easy on you, but our enemies sure as hell won't.


You know, I was a tail gunner before I got promoted. In fact, I used to shoot that very same gun. I know exactly what makes her tick. Let me show you the ropes.


First off, make sure the dang thing's working. Pull the trigger button.


First off, make sure the dang thing’s working. Grab the handles on the gun with the grip buttons.


Now pull the triggers to shoot.


The gun is now interactive.


((If x seconds go by and you don’t shoot the gun))


STEVE (In a joking tone): 

Didn’t forget how to shoot, didja? Grip the controls like you’re holding a gun, and your pointer finger will be touching the trigger button. Press the trigger to fire.

((When you successfully shoot the gun))



Nice. Wherever you look is where you shoot. Aim with the very center of your vision.


Accuracy is an art. I have a feeling you’ll get plenty of chances to perfect it.


A small red plane enemy, nicknamed "Claude," shows up, off to the side. He approaches his rally point, not yet a danger to you, but he will be imminently. He's alone.



Look sharp. Enemy fighter, 3 o'clock high. Claude by the looks of it. Shoot him down before he can do the same to us.


The enemy changes course and veers in for his first attack run.



He's comin' around.


((If Claude completes a pass, goes out of range, and you shoot))



It's no use, he's out of range. Wait for him to turn back for us and then let him have it.


((If Claude completes 2 passes without getting shot down))



Lead a little. Aim just ahead of the guy, where he's gonna be, not where he is.


((If you shoot Claude down))



Got 'im. Nice shot.


See that black gauge in the center of your dashboard? That'll show you how banged up we are. 


The needle in the middle is ours. The ones on the sides are for your wingmen.


The two wingmen fly up from below.



Hey, you're late. What took you so long?



We got sidetracked!



There's trouble up ahead. Looks like they saw you comin.'



Ace, these knuckleheads are our first line of defense. Keep the flies off their backs and they'll do the same for us.



Fighters incoming, 3 and 9 high.


Three Claudes show up, two on the right and two on the left. Two of them approach normally. The wingmen help you shoot them down. The third approaches from directly behind you.



Steve, you've got one right on your tail.



I'll take your word for it. 


If we turn a bit, we should be able to get him without shooting our own tail off... but, uh, do a guy a favor and tell me which way you wanna go.


((If you're using Oculus Touch controllers))



Tilt the joystick to tell me to turn.


((If you're using Oculus Go or HTC Vive controllers))



Move your thumb on the touchpad to tell me to turn.


The joystick/touchpad is now interactive. The game does not check to see if you are actually turning. Turning is not required, as it will make some players sick.


((If you shoot down all of the enemies))



Nice shooting. I'd say you're ready for the real thing. Just in time, too.



We got fighters. Lots of 'em. We're in the thick of it now.



Here they come.



Give 'em hell, Ace!


The game starts in earnest with wave 1. All interactive objects and buttons are unlocked as normal. After the end of the first round, the challenge dashboard pops up from the surface of the gun. Steve explains what it is.



As you can see, I made some... uh... un-sanctioned modifications to the gun. This one's my pride and joy: the challenge dash.


Challenges make your job harder, but no guts, no glory, right? Look down at the gun dashboard to check it out.


First, let me give you a primer on the way challenges work. I’ll use the “crosswinds” challenge as an example.


Find the “crosswinds” challenge and tap it with your pointer finger.


((If you are using the Oculus Touch or HTC Vive controllers))



Point your finger by holding the grips on the controller.


((Continue to the following for any controller))



Look at the “crosswinds” challenge and pull the trigger to select it.


((If you complete the steps successfully))





See that icon to the right of the challenge? The one that looks like a blue wing? That’s a perk.


We can use perks in combat and between waves to keep us alive.


Whenever you pick a new challenge, you’ll bank any of the perks listed next to it.


There are three different kinds. You can see what they do and how many of them we have by looking up at the dash lid.


Now look back at the “crosswinds” challenge.


Along with a perk, each challenge also has a score bonus multiplier.


The multiplier for this challenge is 1.5.


You don’t get that bonus right away. You’ve gotta work for it.


Unlike perks, which you can only get when you switch to a new challenge, your point multiplier will only increase to that maximum number if you stick with the same challenge over multiple turns.


Once it hits the maximum, it won’t go any higher.


And that’s challenges for you. Fancy, huh?


((If you are playing with Oculus Touch or HTC Vive controllers))



Now tap the “crosswinds” challenge again to deselect it.


((If you are playing with Oculus Go controllers))



Now, pull the trigger again on the “crosswinds” challenge to deselect it.


((Continue to the following for any controller))


If you want to start a wave without a challenge, you can always press the clear button in the top right of the dash.


Once you've made your decision, press the “start wave” button at the bottom of the dash, and we're ready to go.


The player has now learned all of the essentials needed to play the game.

© 2020 by Sydney Tuss

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