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The Castaway Coat


The party—comprising the player, their friend Devlin, the scholar Silas, and the mercenary Maeve—has just bought a beautiful fur coat from a travelling merchant. Shortly after, they meet a strange, beautiful woman on the road. She sees the coat and makes an attempt to charm it out of their hands. When she fails, she reveals her true form: a nymph of the wood. The party repels her assault. When defeat is near, she relents.

This quest is featured in Terafyn: Episode 1.


Location: Horst's Grove


Enough of this! You mortals are all the same. You take and take and take. What you cannot subjugate, you destroy. I will not be laid low by such cretins, especially not with Aisling's coat in my grasp!


F. Not all mortals are like that.

G. Who is Aisling?




Ha! You jest. Look around you at this pitiful stand of trees your kind calls “Horst’s Grove.”


This forest flowed unbroken across the land until the day men came. They burned it for their fields and cut it down for their homes, and their idolatry turned the eastern wood into the putrid bog it is today.

I cannot reveal my form in the light of day, no matter how I long to do so. To walk freely among men, I must furl my leaves and branches. I must hide, as though I am ashamed of myself! 


The forest wails in your presence. Do not pretend to innocence, you who have grown fat beneath a roof of bones!


((Back to Choices F&G))





A dear friend, and no business of yours!


She is fae of the sea as I am fae of the wood—a selkie. Her coat was stolen by men! Without it, she cannot return to her home in the sea and she has no choice but to live among the wretched mortals who betrayed her.



I see. And this is the coat?


Yes! That is Aisling’s coat! If you do not allow me to return it to her, I will stop at nothing until you are destroyed.





H. We will bring it to Aisling.

I. I paid good money for this coat.





You expect me to agree to that? That I will take your words as they are and unveil my friend to my enemies? No. I will nip like a hound at your heels until you return the coat.



You're so wounded you can't even keep your glamour up. Please let us help you. If you tell us where Aisling is, we can escort you there.


I do not need your help!


Aye, aye, ye need our help like a whale needs a wooden leg. If ye don't want it, we ain't givin it, but listen here, sister.


It was me own money what bought that coat, and if I'm to give it away, I need me a bargain. I bet a good selkie story to tell at the tavern might make a suitable trade.

The nymph appears to consider it. Her flinty eyes skate across the curve of Maeve's axe before landing on her face, calculating.



Go to Windmere. When you arrive, I will take you to her, but if any of you makes one move against her or attempts to flee this sacred duty, I will call the wrath of the land down upon you all. 



Aye, I believe you will. Come on, Player, let’s follow.


((End scene. Scene 4 is now unlocked.))





Money? You hold a living being’s freedom hostage in exchange for coin? Despicable. Utterly abominable. If it’s money you want, I will pay gladly, but all the fae of land, sea, and sky will know you are a craven.



Come on, Player, let’s return the coat. I’ve heard stories of selkies and I’ve always wanted to meet one. Where can we find her?



As if I would tell you. Give me the coat, and I will see it to its destination. You want gold? Take it. 


IA. Accept the money and hand over the coat.

IB. We want to take it to Aisling ourselves.



((Receive Gold equal to the cost of the coat +100))

((Glistening Fur Coat removed from Inventory))



There. It is done. Now begone with you.

Before you can wish her so much as a safe journey, she has vanished in a whirl of sweet-smelling leaves. All around you, the forest seems to loom darker and heavier than before.


I don't like the feel of this. Let's get a move on.




((Play Choice H, above))


Location: Seaside town

The nymph steps from the shadows as soon as you set foot in town. Walking through the wood appears to have replenished her strength, and with it, her human glamour. 

((Her name and portrait have changed.))



One false move and you’re dead.



Elfleda! It’s been so long!

Another woman, her beauty rivalling the nymph's, approaches from a street stall advertising fresh cockles and clams. She wraps her arms around the nymph and gives her a mighty hug.

((The Nymph's name changes again.))



Aisling! What are you doing out here among this riff raff?



Why, divesting them of their coin, of course. Everyone knows I’m the best clam digger on the coast. Some say I have a natural talent.

She places her finger playfully beside her nose and winks. Her eyes meet yours.



My, what unexpected company! I am Aisling, resident forager and jeweler, and so very pleased to meet you.



I don't see what all the fuss is about. She looks perfectly free to me.



My friend, I found these humans in possession of something that belongs to you. I have brought them here to return it.



Aye. We don't know how to repair the grief this caused you, but if we can do you any lick of good at all, we will. Isn't that right, Player?


A. You seem happy, Aisling.

B. How long have you lived in Windmere?

C. Hand over the coat.





I am. Seaside towns are so refreshing, don’t you think? The coast can get a bit gloomy to the south, but here the sun is bright and warm.


((Back to Choices A-C))





Oh, long enough to make friends. Have you been to the tavern here? It’s so lively. There’s a man who plays the fiddle and everybody dances! I have, hmm, what do they say… two left feet, but that doesn’t keep me from trying.


((Back to Choices A-C))



Aisling's eyes widen. She takes a step back.





My coat! But… why have you brought it back? Oh fiddlesticks, Elfleda, when you stormed off I suspected you had gone on some sort of crusade. I hope she didn't give you people too much of a fright.



Well, er…



She did attack us.






I confronted them for possessing what was stolen from you.

Aisling smiles gently, shaking her head. She slips Elfleda's rough hands into her own.



No one stole my coat. I sold it myself.




Aisling nods, turning her slow gaze to you once more.



I take it she told you what I am?



Aye, she did.



Then you should all know that I have no intention of returning to the sea.



Aisling, you mustn't make such promises.



I mean it. There is nothing there for someone like me. The sea is so cold and dreary and everyone is so closed-minded. I wanted to strike out on my own, so I sold my coat and used the money to start my business.


But how could you? You can't give away your freedom to toil beside these butchers!



As you can see, I am perfectly free. Free to cast aside the form of my birth and do all the things it never allowed me to do. Walk in the sun, take picnics in the forest, work with my hands… Besides, people aren’t all bad. They’re quite funny creatures when you get to know them.


I know that men have hurt you, and I’m sorry. Most of their evil is done through ignorance, and I'm not going to pretend that a little goodwill will fix that terrible history, but a life among them is a life I want, for better or for worse.



You are ignorant too, to be speaking like this. Mortals are dangerous; men most of all.



Well I’m lucky to have you around then, aren’t I? I know I still have much to learn, so teach me. If you are afraid for me, then watch over me. I could use a friend, you know, to keep me out of trouble.

See the rest in Terafyn, Episode 1.

© 2020 by Sydney Tuss

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