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The Painting of

Old Joe Carpenter


The world of Terafyn is old and full of magic- always majestic, but at times intimate and melancholy. I was mentoring two new writers on this project, so I designed this quest both as an example of the format I wanted them to deliver and as an example of tone. 


Location - Tavern

You enter a crowded tavern. It’s evening, and a fire casts a gentle glow on the merry-faced townsfolk chatting at their tables. The smell of spilled beer hangs thickly in the air; wheaty, rich, and not entirely unpleasant.



A. Look around.

B. Find a seat.

C. Leave.



Presiding over this tableau of revelry is a large oil painting hung behind the bar. 


The colors are so faded that the image has become indistinct, but if you squint, you can make out the grinning face of a handsome young man.

((Mark that the player looked around the tavern.))

((Back to Choices A-C))



There is only one seat available at the bar. You hurry to take it.

A grizzled old man leans heavily on the bar next to you. His eyes twinkle with a mischief you’ve only ever seen in children.


((If the player did not previously reject the quest))


Old Man

You look like you’ve seen your fair share of adventures, friend. 


When I was just a young pup, I wanted to see the world, but there was always too much work to be done at home, and once I lost my foot, I had to let that dream die.


I do dearly love to hear about faraway lands. Care to make this old man a gift of a tale?


((Advance to choices BA-BC))


((If the player did previously reject the quest))


Old Man

Ah! So you’ve returned. Any tales to tell me this time?


((Advance to choices BA-BC))



BA.  Tell him about Grinarbor.

BB.  Tell him about Lo Fesri.

BC.  I really must be going.



The old man closes his eyes as you weave him a tale of the flower-blanketed hills and dales of Grinarbor. He smiles wistfully under his mustache.


((Set Grinarbor branch to active.))




The old man watches intently as you call up memories of the great turrets and libraries of Lo Fesri. His eyes crinkle with a smile.


((Set Lo Fesri branch to active.))





Old Man

Ah, it can’t be helped I suppose. If you pass through again, come find me. I’ll be right here.


((Mark that the player has refused the quest.))




Old Man

Ah, to be young and free.


Thank you, traveler. I have one more favor to ask. There’s a free pint of ale in it for you if you do.



BD.  What is it?

BE. I don't have time right now.



Old Man

Bring me something that reminds you of that land. You needn’t look far. Anything you can think of.


I’ll be right here when you return.



((Play Choice BC, above))


((If Grinarbor is the active branch.))

You rack your brain for something that would remind you of Grinarbor. Perhaps a pink flower from the Shroudwood would suffice.


((If Lo Fesri is the active branch.))

You rack your brain for something that would remind you of Lo Fesri. Perhaps a sparkling stone from the Shroudwood would suffice.




The crowd is a bit too much for you. You back out and let the door swing shut. 





((Pink Flower key item active.))

((The player must find a Pink Flower key item by exploring the Shroudwood nearby.))



((Sparkling Stone key item active.))


((The player must find a Sparkling Stone by exploring the Shroudwood nearby.))


Location - Tavern

((This scene plays when you enter the tavern after obtaining the Pink Flower or Sparkling Stone.))

You shuffle over to the bar and find your seat again, but the old man is nowhere to be found.



A. Wait.

B. Ask the barmaid if she’s seen him.


You wait and wait until even the liveliest patrons have either stumbled out the door or fallen asleep in their cups. There is still no sign of the old man.


((Back to Choices A&B))


The barmaid quirks an eyebrow at you. She gives a knowing sigh.



Askin’ after Old Joe Carpenter are you? Grey hair, bushy mustache, twinkle in his eye, the sort of old codger this fellow might've turned out to be?


((If the player looked around in Choice A, above.))

She gestures at the faded oil painting you saw when you came in.


((If the player did not look around.))

She gestures to an oil painting hung up on the wall just behind the bar. 


The oils have faded such that the image has lost its form, but if you squint, you can make out the grinning face of a young man in the prime of his life, eyes crinkled in a familiar smile.



We called him Old Joe because that’s what he wanted to be: old, fat, sipping ale and lying in the sun like a drunk housecat. 


He built this place, you see. Worked behind the bar for a couple years, always yammering about saving up and leaving town on some adventure or other.


That was up ‘til he lost his foot to a hungry old bear in the woods. Died of fever in a week, the poor thing.

Your mind stumbles for a moment over whether to explain yourself or express your condolences, but the barmaid stops you.



No need to explain. Happens enough around here you think we’d have hung a sign out front by now.


As ghosts go, can’t do much better than a harmless layabout like that.



The barmaid offers you a soft grin.



Promised you a pint didn’t he? It’s the least I can do to honor his memory.

You accept the pint from the barmaid and raise a quiet toast to the painting of Old Joe Carpenter. 


As the first swig washes down the back of your tongue, you could swear you see the faded head nod ever so slightly as if glad to share in this moment with you.


((Removed from Inventory - Pink Flower))

((Removed from Inventory - Sparkling Stone))

((Reward Obtained - Flagon of Ale consumable))



© 2020 by Sydney Tuss

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